dear dylan,

Born from the creativity of three like-minded women, Dear Dylan emerged in 2020 through a shared passion for quality design, intimate apparel and premium fabrications. With a clear vision and distinctive aesthetic, the trio established a coveted brand specialising in creating high-quality, minimalist loungewear and lingerie staples.

Every piece is considered, focusing on comfort, with form and function at the forefront. Collections are intentionally non-seasonal, offering timeless style and durability for your elevated wardrobe. The team takes pride in producing exceptional pieces and is dedicated to the application of consciously sourced fabrications and craftsmanship. 

With an ever-expanding design offering and exciting new developments in the works, Dear Dylan's journey is only just beginning. 

“We launched Dear Dylan with a refined collection of minimalist lingerie and sleepwear staples, that quickly became our signature styles Dear Dylan is known for today. We are passionate about creating beautiful everyday basics that you want to wear for yourself”

To all the dylan’s in our life, there's so much to say ...

Sincerely yours, 

Em, Rach and Bridget